In the Shop: The Blue Mustang
This guitar came into my shop as a purchase to strip for parts. What I really wanted was the body. Fortunately, it was not exactly what I really needed, so I decided on a complete tear down and rebuild. The fabulous Olympic Blue finish is stunning and I was glad to breath new life into it. Original body and hardware with a maple neck and Indian Laurel fretboard that I gave a full clean and fret releveling (shiny and slick, just how you like it), and I completely rewired it with new pots and new Orange Drop capacitor. Plus a full cavity lining. After the requisite set up, it plays like a dream. Light, thin, molodic. It’s a wonderful instrument. The customer who purchased it asked me to sign it, and who am I to turn down my public. It’s now in it’s west coast home loving life and being played.