
Tracii’s Snake

I’d managed to get one of my guitars to the great Tracii Guns of LA Guns, and he liked it enough to order another. Antique cream alder body, custom design Snake laser burn by Double.U.Studio.Design with a Glowforge 3-D Laser Printer. 21 fret old school maple tele neck with stainless frets, Fender Vintage 60s pickups and string-thru 6-saddle bridge. Custom laser’d his logo into the headstock. Watch for it on tour! Check out the CAM Onstage link to hear Tracii make it cry.

The Basenji Jazzmaster

This guitar was a collaboration with Josh from Reality Addiction. They are recording a new album and he wanted to step away from his old Tele, looking to broaden his sonic possibilities. We worked together and arrived at a Mary Kay White Jazzmaster-style body with humbuckers. He didn’t want all the extraneous switching usually associated with a Jazzmaster, just a clean, two pickup axe with minimal fuss. Originally built out with the switch on the lower bout as is usual on that guitar (check out the first pic). But he got it he played it, he loved the way it sounded but kept hitting the switch. So back on the bench to move the switch to the upper bout (second pic). Swamp Ash body, killer pearloid pickguard from Warmouth, Seymour Duncan Hot Rodded JB/Jazz humbucker set, Gotoh bridge, upgraded with the FU-Tone Big Block brass block – sustain for days, and Grover locking tuners. Customized with a clean burn of his beloved Basenji on the headstock courtesy of Double.U.Studio.Designs. You can hear how it sounds here. A great collaboration with a great artist.

The Murder Tele

This is a build for my pal Andy, who saw the work I’d done for Tracii Guns and decided he wanted one. We’re only too happy to oblige. Andy wanted a specific combination of gear on this build and we worked together every step of the way. It includes cues from John5, Ace Frehley and Keith Richards. Alder body with luscious black finish, roadsted maple neck with rosewood fretboard and jascar stainless steel frets courtesy of Havok Guitars, Dimarzio Ace Frehley 30th Anniversary PAF humbucker in the neck, and a Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder in the bridge. Wired with a volume knob only, and a kill switch. The pearloid pickguard courtesy of Greasy Groove sets off the black beautifully. Andy Daly is a fabulous rock journalist. Check out his work here.

Old School Strat

The Old School Strat. Alder Body with traditional burst finish, maple neck courtesy of Havok Guitars – 22 stainless steel frets, Guyker bridge made infinitely better with the addition of a big-ass brass block from FU Tone, Bare Knuckles Slow Hand pickups wired with a push/pull volume pot that switches the bridge pickup to always on for sonic options, Grover locking tuners. Check the very nifty CAM Custom Guitars neck plate. The client’s signature is laser burned into the headstock in a nice bit of customization, courtesy of Double.U.Studios. This machine was built to play electric blues. Now at home in a private collection.

The Kraken

This build was an exercise in budget building for a great cause. The body and neck, both of uncertain and questionable origin, came from a friend who was cleaning out his shop. Custom Kraken design laser burned courtesy of Double.U.Studios. Fender two-point tremolo bridge, Grover tuners, burnished hardware, Dragonfire pickups, coil split switch under the bridge pickup. This guitar looks great, plays great, sounds great. Check out the CAM Onstage link to hear how it sounds.

Coca Cola Cratecaster

Mahogany body, Vintage Coca-Cola crate cap, bound, Fender Deluxe Drive pickups, standard Tele-style three-saddle tray bridge, rosewood fretboard, locking tuners, 250 k pots, Orange Drop capacitor. Take a big swig and play some blues, baby! Now at home in a private collection. Check out the CAM Onstage link to hear how it sounds.

Paisley Dream

Alder body, deluxe paisley burn by @Double.U.Studio.Design on a Glowforge 3-D Laser printer, tortoise shell pick guard, Fender Vintage 60s pickups, Wamby bridge and control plate, roasted maple neck with rosewood fretboard and Jascar steel frets (courtesy of @HavokGuitars), 250 k pots, orange drop capacitors. This guitar has tone for days. Now at home in a private collectcion. Check out the CAM Onstage link to hear how it sounds.

Molson Cratecaster

Mahogany body, vintage Molson crate cap, bound, Seymour Duncan Quarter Pounder in the bridge, Pearly Gates in the neck, maple neck with Rosewood fretboard, 21 frets, 250 k pots, Orange Drop capacitor. This one likes to play Triumph. Available HERE.

Green Peace (aka The Green Machine)

Alder body, Kelly Green finish, custom filigreed Peace Sign by @Double.U.Studio.Design on a Glowforge 3-D Laser printer, maple neck, rosewood fretboard, 21 frets, Fender Vintage 60s pickups, locking tuners, 250 k pots, Orange Drop capacitor. And wait! Isn’t that Tracii Guns from LA Guns playing it on the road? Why yes – yes it is. Check out the CAM Onstage link to hear how it sounds.

Enter The Dragon

Mahogany body, flame maple cap, custom Dragon burn by @Double.U.Studio.Design on a Glowforge 3-D Laser printer, bound, roasted maple neck, rosewood fretboard, locking tuners, Dragonfire pickups (felt appropriate), 250 k pots, Orange Drop capacitor. This baby breathes fire! Now at home in a private collection.

Mermaid Love

Mahogany body, flame maple cap, custom Weeping Mermaid burn by @Double.U.Studio.Design on a Glowforge 3-D Laser printer,bound, Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates set (neck and bridge), short tray bridge, 500 k pots, Orange Drop capacitor. You can hear it cry from a distance. Now at home in a private collection.

The Builds