In the Shop: The Blue Mustang

This guitar came into my shop as a purchase to strip for parts. What I really wanted was the body. Fortunately, it was not exactly what I really needed, so I decided on a complete tear down and rebuild. The fabulous Olympic Blue finish is stunning and I was glad to breath new life into it....

In the Shop: We’re All Mad Here…

This is an experiment with the classic C.S. Lewis character from Alice in Wonderland, the Cheshire Cat. It was conceived from the start as a purple body and the concept of the Cheshire Cat came to me all at once. I first thought that just the laser burn courtesy of Double.U.Studio.Design would do...

In the Shop: Kent Single Coil

My buddy @gbwells picked up this POS guitar at an auction, and let’s just say he either overpaid or found a creative way to make someone take it off their hands. This thing was in rough shape—definitely a "project" piece. But hey, I like a challenge, so I decided to see if I could breathe some...

In the Shop: Snakebite

Alder body, custom design Snake laser burn by @Double.U.Studio.Design with a Glowforge 3-D Laser Printer. To sharpen the design, after the burn was complete I left the masking tape on and blotted the burn with 50/50 diluted paint. First pic is after paint with some of the tape off, second pic is...